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This is the billion Dollar question & the correct answer to this question can make you a successful programmer. Lots of Computer Science and Software Engineering students are interested in Programming they are already working hard for it but somewhere they are confuse. Some questions they ask to their seniors who are working as a programmer from last couple of years I found these questions common in programming students so I request some professionals to reply these questions so our juniors can learn from it and can put their hard work into the right direction.
The Questions which I send to the programmers were : Q1 : Wow much education is required to become a good programmer? Q2 : How to select the best Programming Language for you? Q3 : For how many hours in a day should a Person practice to become a good Programmer? Q4 : What is the best way to practice the programming? Q5 : Best sources to get help in any programming language. Q6 : Any other tips if you want to share so please?
We also ask them if you have more tips for learners. Also tell us little bit about yourself The Replies which I got from Respectable Programmers are here one by one with their little bit introduction I am putting all replies here the way I receive:
Irshad Ali Jan:
Introduction : I am Full Stack Web application developer (PHP. AngularJS, JQuery) with an experience of Six years as Freelancer and working as Senior PHP Developer at PHPTravels ( since Feb, 2014.
Answers by Irshad Ali Jan : To become a successful programmer the first and most important thing you should have is the passion and interest in programming. No matter what field you choose in programming but if you don’t have passion and interest then you can’t progress in it. The problem with our youngsters nowadays is that before going for any profession they enquire about the scope which totally distracts the person from their own goals. So I would suggest to build interest and passion in yourself before jumping into any programming field and then enquire for scope related to that field.
Q1 : how much education is required to become a good programmer? Ans: At least a BS level studies are required to make a strong base of programming concepts. But it doesn’t mean that to become a programmer you must have graduate studies, it’s just for having basic knowledge of understanding of programming. One can also become a programmer even if he/she is not a graduate, if he/she knows good English and have passion and interest to become a programmer then he/she can become a programmer by watching thousands of tutorials created by many of the experienced persons on different websites, out of which most famous is YouTube.
Q2 : How to select the best Programming Language for you? Ans: Almost every programming language have same concepts with a difference in few and mostly great difference in syntax used. If you have a good grasp on basic programming concepts then you can look through the current technology trend. Like currently every thing is shifting to mobile devices. So any programming language which helps you in developing mobile apps and web application then you should select it. As due to rapid changes in technology one should not stick to only one programming language. To become a successful in programming you should have grasp of at least 2-3 languages.
Q3 : For how many hours in a day Should a Person practice to become a good Programmer? Ans: If you are giving it full concentration then I think initially for learning purpose 4-6 hours is a good time to donate for it. But as your interest will grow then believe me you will not even know how many hours you have given to it, a time will come that you will eat, sleep and walk with programming. This is where one can say that I am a passionate programmer.
Q4 : What is the best way to practice the programming?
Ans: The best way which I would suggest personally to practice is to watch video tutorials with full concentration and type the code as the video progresses by pausing it at different intervals and test the application as you type the code with video tutorial. Read online articles/tutorials of famous writters. You can find the videos on youtube and download via torrents also.
Q5 : Best sources to get help in any programming language.
Ans: Google for searching articles. Youtube and torrents for video tutorials are the best sources.
Q6 : Any other tips if you wana share so please.
Ans: Well I think the above answers covers most of the tips which I personally followed with my six years of experience in programming and still following it. In the end I would say that one should not lose hope as there might come a situation in learning which will be very hard to get idea of and you might say that “I can’t do it” this should not happen. You should not get yourself bored. You should not think that I should become a programmer over a night. Everything takes time so be patient and courageous to face any hurdles while learning and don’t lose hope.
Sajjad Gul :
Introduction : Software Engineering graduate from Bahria University. I have extensive knowledge of Web related platforms and technologies. My area of Interest is Web Development specifically .Net Technologies. Also I constantly try to produce software products on other platforms like mobile and desktop. You might find me mentoring new programmers & my friends, taking pictures (photography is a serious hobby), doing code at free time in library hall or common room in university, road-tripping or writing articles & posts.I believe whatever the man’s mind can conceives can be achieved in life my blog Q1: how much education is required to become a good programmer?
A: I don’t think a person’s education would play much important role for his success as a good programmer. In my opinion a person’s interest in achieving his goal is more likely to make him a good programmer. We all hear the news these days of small kids developing apps & other programming related courses. What makes them so good in programming while adults struggle? It’s their Interest.
Q2: How to select the best Programming Language for you?
Very often people equate good programmer with number of programming languages known. I think that’s not true. Although knowing a lot of programming languages is good and sometimes, even, essential; it is more important that you know one or two languages very well. I suggest you to ask yourself ‘What am I most interested in? Web Development, Mobile Development or any other framework or technology?’ Once you know what you are most interested in, Do a little research on your area of interest & see what really is going on in the modern world, what people in the that particular industry are doing?. I only ‘know’ about C# & HTML CSS. These are the ones I am truly comfortable at. That’s sad of course. I really wanted to be good at Java and PHP as well. And if you are one of those who say ‘Give me one programming language that does all’ my answer is‘There is none’. Each has a different purpose. And that’s how things are gonna remaining buddy.
Q3: For how many hours in a day Should a Person practice to become a good Programmer?
Programming is an art (not a science. Yes you read it correctly), and like any art it requires painstaking effort.To be good at a language takes years well at least 2 years if you really are interested. This is not yet the world of Matrix Movie where you can just feed in programming skills to your brain. Don’t force yourself.I would suggest follow a standard book that is recognized in your area of interest & then follow that book topic by topic each day.
Q4: What is the best way to practice the programming?
You MUST participate in some free & open source software projects. There are just too many on GitHub and other open source webs. You learn a lot from these. You get to see a lot of code and learn the best practices. Plus, it looks good on your CV too. Most people catch cold feet when they go through such projects. Don’t wait till the day you are an expert in these languages before contributing. Don’t waste time sharpening your pencil when you should be drawing. You can ask me for directions.
Q5: Best sources to get help in any programming language.
The first source that most of us are not following is Books. Instead we go to YouTube etc. These are good sources but you often don’t find any reputable source that goes through each bit and bite. Books are designed to help you to get a full grasp of the subject and are published after a lot of back and forth. So first follow a book & then when you see a specific topic, then search for it on web & see how others are doing it. This way you will have a wide range of knowledge about every topic and your area of interest will be completely covered.
Q6: Any other tips if you wana share so please.
Be extra ordinary in 3 things – Algorithms, Data Structures & Database Schemas. These are the heart of computer world.
Ali Roashan
Introduction : I have been coding since 9th grade when I first read GW basic. I absolutely fell in love with coding and knew this is what I wanted to do. However, for some reason I chose Mechanical engineering instead software. So I am self learned programmer. I learned GW basic, VB 6, Perl, then python and thats when I got my first project. After that I switched to full time web dev in LAMP stack. I have worked as team lead and project manager. I have contributed code to open source. For past two years I have been working in C# and MSSQL server for a complicated system. I don’t update it much these days.
Q1 : how much education is required to become a good programmer? I am B.E in Mechanical engg and Master in IT. I will recommend any bachelors degree related to computer science.
Q2 : How to select the best Programming Language for you? Its not about the programming language rather it is about the technologies and application platforms that you are interested in. If you like web dev go for LAMP or MEAN or Django. Or if you like mobile apps go for JAVA/Swift etc.
Q3 : For how many hours in a day Should a Person practice to become a good Programmer? 4 to 8 hours.
Q4 : What is the best way to practice the programming? Work on open source projects with other developers.
Q5 : Best sources to get help in any programming language. Stackoverflow. Github. Language related forums. Facebook groups. Reddit.
Q6 : Any other tips if you wana share so please. Programming like many other skills requires practice and passion. It will feel boring and will make little sense in start.